Dear Friends of the Institute for Ministry Formation at Saint Vincent Seminary,
You could say that Christmas is a special feast for the IMF, because Christmas is a mystery of connection and Communion—nothing happens in isolation, and even when division threatens, it is overcome and connection wins the day. From Joseph’s accompaniment of Mary to the shepherds and Magi traveling together, the Divine Baby draws people together and no one comes alone.
The angels appearing in the Infancy Narratives of Luke and Matthew are all making connections. Gabriel brings Zechariah together with his wife in one passage, even overcoming Zechariah’s incredulity that such communion could be fruitful. Then that same Archangel connects with Mary in a way that opens her to receive Jesus before helping her to make haste and accompany her cousin Elizabeth in a bond of charity. An angel appears to Joseph who prevents him from releasing Mary and urges him rather to draw closer to her. Angels appear to shepherds in the field to announce the good news of great joy that a Savior has come who will overcome divisions between people by overcoming our division with God.
Making connections and fostering accompaniment are our principal theme at the IMF. We have had the privilege of fostering accompaniment among thousands of people throughout 2024. We foster accompaniment:
- in catechesis through our courses, certificate and Master’s degree in catechetics (with a special emphasis on Catechesis of the Good Shepherd)
- in Christian initiation through our OCIA Sponsors formation
- in evangelization through our work in missionizing parishes
- in parishes and dioceses through our Art of Accompaniment and Hospitality workshops and formation programs
- in spiritual direction through our courses, certificate, Master’s degree and Ongoing Formation in Spiritual Direction
- in our online community through Mighty Networks
- in our connection with you through e-newsletters and social media.
and we believe the Lord has big plans for us in 2025 when we will join the whole Church in Jubilee on a pilgrimage of hope.
We are grateful for our connection with you.
May this Christmas be a time of many connections for you wherever you are. May you be visited by angels who can draw you closer to the Holy Family and bring you to loving adoration before the Baby Jesus where we can all meet each other and remain together for ever.
Sincerely, in Christ our Infant King,
Fr. Boniface