Catechetics Certificate


The primary purpose of the program “is to equip persons for competent leadership in some form of specialized ministry in congregations and other settings.”— (The Association of Theological Schools Bulletin 50, Part 1, 2012, G-45, B.1.1).
The Institute for Ministry Formation certificate in Catechetics takes a scriptural, liturgical, contemplative approach to catechesis.
The contemplative dimension is necessary for fostering the proper disposition in the heart of the catechist.  The catechist must be a person who knows Jesus Christ personally. “The heart of the mystery is the kerygma, and the kerygma is a person: Jesus Christ. Catechesis is a special space for fostering a personal encounter with Him.” Only one who knows Him can create “a special space for fostering a personal encounter with Him.”
The IMF certificate acknowledges that “those called to the instituted ministry of Catechist be men and women of deep faith and human maturity, active participants in the life of the Christian community, capable of welcoming others, being generous and living a life of fraternal communion.”  The IMF’s catechetics certificate also fosters discernment on the part of the student in knowing that “the ministry has a definite vocational aspect” and must be a subject “for due discernment.” Therefore there is a requirement of spiritual direction for all catechetics students along with a letter of recommendation testifying to their active participation in the Christian community. As part of the program, catechetics students are also required to make a 5-day directed silent retreat.
Throughout the curriculum, students receive “suitable biblical, theological, pastoral and pedagogical formation to be competent communicators of the truth of the faith” and as a program requirement they will have spent 10 hours of observation to gain “experience of catechesis.”
Building on the great work of Sofia Cavaletti and Maria Montessori, IMF students learn an approach to the catechesis of children that focuses on introducing them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through liturgical and scriptural language and symbols in ways appropriate to their developmental stages.
This approach extends into adult catechesis knowing that Scripture and Liturgy provide the perennial language for understanding God’s self-revelation and foster living encounters with Him.  These are the languages that truly echo in the human heart as the word “catechesis” implies.
Although the certificate program focuses attention on the laity, building them up in this mission that is proper to their role in the Church, the courses offered in the curriculum and indeed the entire curriculum is certainly enriching for bishops, priests and consecrated religious who also have a responsibility for catechesis.
Saint Vincent Seminary has more than 175 years of experience in forming priests spiritually, humanly, intellectually and pastorally for ministry in the Roman Catholic Church.  Leveraging the stability of the Benedictine community and the Seminary’s deep wells of wisdom in this area, the Institute for Ministry Formation is able to provide a unique blend of intellectual, pastoral, human and spiritual formation for catechists.

Learning Outcomes

1. Students will attain suitable biblical, theological, pastoral and pedagogical formation to be competent communicators of the truth of the faith, especially in parish ministry.
2. Students will gain knowledge of human formation and accompaniment through learning the developmental planes of human maturity and the heart of the human person. 
3. Students will gain a working concept of theology and doctrine as they apply to practical ministry in catechesis for children, youth and adults. 
4. Students personally develop a strong prayer life through committed practice and also develop a broad familiarity in the spiritual heritage of the Roman Catholic tradition.
5. Students develop an understanding of kerygmatic or experiential catechesis, as well as an understanding of various methods of formation (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Intergenerational or Family Catechesis, Experiential Catechesis and the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults). 
6. Students appropriate the doctrinal heritage of the Roman Catholic Church with particular familiarity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and acquire the capacity to communicate this heritage and apply it to the spiritual life through academic courses in theology and sacred scripture.

Admission Requirements

● A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university indicating an aptitude for advanced study.
● A letter of recommendation from those who can assess your academic, professional/ ministerial, and/or spiritual goals.
● Official transcripts from all post-secondary coursework.
● A personal interview with the Institute for Ministry Formation Director or Director of Catechesis, and a letter from one’s pastor, if requested.

Catechetics Certificate Completion Requirements (20 credits)

There are two tracks of formation, both of which provide a thorough formation in evangelizing catechesis. Track 1 and Track 2 have 14 credits in common. Track 1 provides practical skills and formation in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd model, acknowledging the six credit hours, or 90 hours of integrated formation provided by the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level 1 formation. This is a good option for anyone intending to do catechesis with children using any model. Track 2 provides additional courses in replacement of CGS Level 1 formation that will assist with the intellectual catechetical formation of adults.  Both tracks build a foundation for a kerygmatic and evangelizing model of catechesis that is expected by the 2020 Vatican Directory for Catechesis.
IMF courses are offered online in the evenings (some in-person options are available for some courses).  

Requirements for Track 1 AND Track 2

Scripture (2 credits)

• IMCA 630 Praying Sacred Scripture…………………………………………………..2           

Theology (8 credits)

• IMCA 600: Principles of Prayer and Catholic Spirituality……………………2

• IMCA-650: Sacramental Theology: Connecting Liturgy to Life…………………………………………..2

• IMCA-660: Moral Theology for Catechists……………..2

• IMCA 670 Christian Anthropology & Human Development…………………………………2

Missiology (2 credits)

• IMCA-680: Catechesis in the New Evangelization……….2

Pastoral and Pedagogical (8 credits)  

• IMCA 601: SD1: The Art of Accompaniment ……………………………………..2

Track 1

• Professional equivalent credits (CGS Level 1 Formation)……………..6

OR Track 2

• IMCA 610 The Creed: I Believe, We Believe!………………………………….2

• IMCA 615 Church History From Christendom to Apostolic Age……1

• IMCA 631 Overview of the Old Testament……………………………………1

• IMCA 780 Introduction to Liturgical and Kerygmatic Catechesis…..2

(A grade point average of 3.0)                                                           Grand Total: 20 Credits

Additional Requirements:

[TRACK 1 only] Completion of a CGS-USA registered Level 1 Course: 

Whether prior to beginning or during the 1st year of this program, students will complete a nationally recognized Level 1 formation course and meet the expectations of CGS-USA for that course, including 10 hours of Observation and completion and approval of a Level 1 Album. 

Directed Silent Retreat: 

A directed silent retreat of at least 5 days or two retreats of 3 days are required at some point during the program. The student must submit a reflection paper based on the retreat experience highlighting points of self-awareness and spiritual growth.  Students are responsible for making their own accommodations for this requirement but must verify their plans with the program directors to ensure acceptability.

Spiritual Direction: 

If the student is not already engaged in Spiritual Direction, it is expected that he or she will begin to do so when beginning this Certificate Course and continue with the practice into the future. The IMF has networks to assist in this requirement.

Special Program in Collaboration with the Diocese of Greensburg:

The Diocese of Greensburg, in cooperation with the Institute for Ministry Formation (IMF), offers a robust formation program for adults
interested in growing in faith, in deepening their knowledge of the faith, and in developing skills for ministry in faith formation. The Institute for Ministry Formation offers the highest quality of graduate education through courses taught by professors that are highly experienced and acclaimed for their excellence. This formation program, in collaboration with the Diocese of Greensburg, builds on the IMF’s Certificate in Catechesis and provides some additional advantages. Learn more about this by clicking here.

Delivery Method for the Program

The primary means of delivery for coursework will be via online instruction, though, depending on the specific Certificate being sought or the combination of certificates being stacked, there might also be occasional in-person workshops or immersive experiences.