The 2020 Directory for Catechesis calls for “Kerygmatic” Catechesis in the Church.
“On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: ‘Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.’” (Evangelium Gaudium 164.)
Spotlight on CGS Level 1 – Ages 3-6
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is proclaimed to and received deeply by the 3-6 year old children of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in a specially prepared room (The Atrium) where everything is just their size. With great joy the children fall in love with Him who knows each one by name, lays down His life for each one, leads each one, and calls each one into His sheepfold – the Church.
The Level 1 Atrium materials and presentations are focused on the life of Jesus and His teachings to help make the history and mystery of Christ more concrete and personal. The Prophecies which announced the coming of Christ are read. The land of Israel where Jesus truly was born and preached are brought to life with a topographic map. Infancy narratives directly from the Gospel – along with figurines — allow for the small child’s hands to collaborate in prayer and meditation. A model City of Jerusalem, Last Supper cenacle, and Empty tomb proclaim that Jesus died and rose again.
To evoke wonder and awe of His abiding presence, biblical parables about the Kingdom of God are presented. And to lead to greater participation in the Liturgy, there is a Baptism corner, a Liturgical calendar, and a model Altar with the items of the Mass. There are presentations to highlight the very visible gestures of the priest at Mass. Children finish the session in prayers and songs of thanksgiving at a prayer table.