
CGS Connection – Spotlight on the Toddler Atrium

Absorption, Mobility, Communication, Independence
In case you’re wondering how we “teach the faith” to 1 & 2 year olds… we don’t… We aim to provide a non-distracting, sensory rich environment for their “Absorbent Minds” to soak in an introduction to the Good Shepherd and the tangible signs such as a processional cross, the liturgical colors, the seed, the yeast, the bread, communal activity, rest and God who made amazing things, including the dirt and the rocks and the flowers and the sky etc. As with all the Levels of CGS, because He is not bound by the age of the recipient, Jesus is the One revealing Himself to the children through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The inside Atrium and small outside garden have plenty of opportunities for moving, carrying, pouring, opening etc. to work towards independence. We also speak to the children with precise language and encourage them to respond as they are able. A communal meal (of freshly baked bread) and a time of communal prayer at the prayer table help to build a caring social community AND are subtle precursors to our Catholic celebration of the Holy Mass.

CGS around the world has come to believe that starting the children this young will have a great impact when introducing them to the Level 1 Atrium later, and Levels 2 & 3 build upon that.

To hear more about Infant-Toddler CGS, listen to the CGS-USA Podcast on this topic, found here.