IMTH-735: Scripture and Liturgy

IMTH-735: Scripture and Liturgy

2 credits

Topics include:

  • Exploring the innate and mutually illuminative relationship between Sacred Scripture and the Liturgy and the unity between the Bible, the Liturgy, and life.
  • Studying the relationship between passages in the Old Testament and the New Testament to gain insight into the New Testament concealed in the Old Testament and the Old Testament fulfilled in the New Testament and of the ongoing fulfilment of Scripture in the liturgy in which the whole mystery of Christ is present.
  • Examining fundamental aspects of first-century Judaism, including Scripture, the Temple, sacrifice, major Jewish feasts, and liturgical and ethical worship.
  • Aside from extensive recourse to Sacred Scripture, the course will utilize the Ordinary of the Mass, the earliest witnesses on the Liturgy, the arrangement of Sunday Lectionary, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Sacrosanctum Concilium.