Mission Here and Now: An Introduction to Missiology for the Parish (IMTH-761)

Course Number: IMTH-761

Course Title:  Mission Here and Now: An Introduction to Missiology for the Parish

Taught by: Mrs. Helene Paharik

Course Dates: August 25, 2021 – December 8, 2021 (follows the St. Vincent College academic calendar)

Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:20pm
Course meets online

Number of Credits: 2

Course description: How does a parish respond to the decreasing engagement in its sacramental and community life? How can a parish form missionary disciples and why would someone want to be a missionary disciple? What lessons from the early church can we apply to become a parish that is a center of missionary discipleship? What are the best practices of effective missionary parishes? These are some of the questions that will be explored in this summer intensive course designed for parish leaders.

This course will equip students with an understanding of the Trinitarian origin for mission, the biblical basis for mission, the sacramental impetus for mission, the church’s teaching on mission, as well as the processes for making missionary disciples. A survey of Catholic missiology in the documents of Second Vatican Council, the magisterium of Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis will provide students with the theoretical knowledge to design strategies to transform existing parish processes into a missionary mode. This course will require not only learning Catholic missiology, but applying it to parish life today.

Mission Here and Now is open to all and the course may be taken for credit or for audit.

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