Praying Sacred Scripture (IMSD-630)

This course is available to anyone. It will be taught with spiritual direction students specifically in mind and make up a part of the Spiritual Direction program. See the program description for more details.

It is conducted online through a combination of interactive online video conferenced meetings in the evening, reading assignments, and asynchronous online discussions through the Schoology educational software platform.

It is 3 credits and will follow the Saint Vincent academic calendar.

Registration deadline: Aug 19, 2022

Registration will be limited to 15 students per course.

IMSD630 – Praying Sacred Scripture

Taught by Fr. Nathanael Polinski, O.S.B.

Time: Thursday evenings 6:30-7:45pm ET (interactive video conference) with additional recorded lecture (60-75min) for asynchronous viewing.

  • This course will address the ancient practice of praying with Sacred Scripture, traditionally known as Lectio Divina or “Sacred Reading.”
  • It will provide an overview of the canon of Sacred Scripture and some important considerations for understanding biblical texts such as the literary genre, literary and historical contexts, and the benefit of accessing the meaning of particular terms in the original languages.
  • We will cover fundamental aspects of the Church’s teaching on Sacred Scripture and its interpretation.
  • The majority of the course will focus on methodologies for and the practice of praying Sacred Scripture.
  • Evaluation will consist of short written assignments, an exam, and a final paper.

Note: this is a required course for the Spiritual Direction program, but all are welcome to take it for credit or to audit.

Click here for registration instructions.