Course Number: IMTH-725-01
Course Title: Sacramental Theology and Liturgy
Course Dates: February 8 to May 17, 2021 on Mondays 7-8pm ONLINE
Taught by: Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB
Number of Credits: 2
Course description: This course serves as an introduction to Sacramental Theology. It is theoretical and foundational in that it explores Sacramental Theology and thoroughly covers the teaching in Part II of the Catechism and the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. It is also practical and in depth in exploring such topics as the Liturgy of the East and West, the role of beauty (including art and music) in the Liturgy, the meaning of “full, active, conscious participation” in the Liturgy, and the Liturgy of the Hours.
This course will consist of a weekly online lecture by video conference with mandatory participation as well as weekly videos provided by the Liturgical Institute to be watched individually. Students will be expected to make weekly discussion posts and respond to posts in addition to assessment by exam and a short paper.
The course can be taken for credit towards a future degree or audited for personal enrichment.
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