
Heart Speaks to Heart: Graces from the Atrium

Anita Wright, affectionately known as ‘Miss Anita,’ shares a heartfelt reflection on the graces experienced in the level three atrium this week.

Hallmarks of the IMF include formation in the art of accompaniment, in personal prayer, in directing prayer, and in modeling and encouraging listening to movements of the heart. A profound experience of all of these also occurred last week in a level three atrium (9-12 year olds), exemplifying why the IMF supports and recommends Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for the youngest members of the church family.

It was a rare calendar alignment to return to catechesis after Christmas break, and still be in the Church’s liturgical season of Christmas. Having had a beautiful session reflecting on one verse from an infancy narrative with my Tuesday group, I did not want my Thursday group to miss the opportunity, even at the cost of me leaving my 90 year old grandmother‘s hospital bedside. I gave her one last kiss and told her that I was going to be with “the kids” — not just students, but true spiritual children.

Arriving at atrium, the children were very excited to see each other again after two weeks and, to put it mildly, were quite chatty to express all that took place over Christmas, with relatives, with a new baby sister, in serving at Christmas Masses and in returning to their varied forms of schooling etc. In our Montessori based CGS formation, we learned that the social bonding of this age is essential in their young personhood, so we learn to work with this need of the child, rather than against it.

After a little time, with adult and children alike having our thoughts racing a mile a minute, we were able to use the Church’s gesture of procession to bring our bodies, our voices, and our hearts into God‘s presence in the atrium. We gathered at the prayer table. I invited us to close our eyes for a moment and realize that, while there were very exciting things to talk about from the past two weeks, and many more exciting/worrisome/joyful/sad things coming up in the near future and throughout the new year, Jesus actually wanted to meet us right then and there in the present moment.

We turned then to sacred scripture, and I was inspired to focus on just one line of Luke’s Gospel: “…in the city of David, a Savior is born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” We pondered those titles, and the question of who needs them? We wondered what might happen in the prime of life when so many previously pious young people decide they no longer need a Savior nor want a Lord? And we brainstormed what protections Jesus has put in place to help these pre-adolescents [and all of us] fight the battle and protect their souls.

After a lively yet deep meditation, when we were just about to transition, my phone rang and I got the message that my grandmother was passing to eternal life. I immediately asked the children, still at the prayer area, to pray with me and they instantly settled into prayer posture. I offered prayers of thanksgiving and petition and we joined together in a Hail Mary at the actual hour of Grandma’s death.

And I am completely amazed at and deeply consoled by what took place next. I asked the children if they had any prayers to add. I admit – I thought they might pray for me or say nothing in shock, but rather, they each brought forth a prayer for their own special departed loved ones! This touched my heart so much and made me wonder if there was anything else they might want/need to express about death. So I asked about our relationship with God and if we turn to Him in these (and other) painful times? Do we feel abandoned or are we aware of His presence? This led to yet another outpouring of their little hearts. They shared the most intimate, vulnerable moments of their lives!! It was profoundly moving that each of us had a space to be vulnerable and to be received.

I could have easily and justifiably cancelled our session that day with a pending family death, but am so glad I did not. Our CGS community is a graced place for listening to, being accompanied by and encountering God and each other.

Click here to hear more CGS insights from Anita Wright on our Transforming Hearts Podcast.