Parish formation: accompaniment, evangelization, prayer, community

The IMF is forming parishes to go on mission.
Beyond providing a speaker for inspiration, the IMF prepares a parish through formation:
- formation in accompaniment,
- formation in evangelization,
- formation in community.
The IMF is accepting requests for parish missions when the parish is willing to turn a three-day event into an opportunity
- for evangelization beforehand,
- formation of volunteers in serving the mission and
- a new direction for the parish afterwards.
The IMF provides tools for prayer, formation for ministers, and strategies for parish renewal.
From an IMF mission in Panama City, FL, one participant testified: “I learned tools to help me. His first night exploded my heart with joy. I have been trying to focus and learn. This will be very helpful.”
Another parishioner shared: “This information has radically changed my prayer life. I am experiencing prayer in a relational way as I never have previously. In the past, my prayer life was much stiffer and less of a dialogue with God.”
Starting new processes of growth
Interested in a parish mission? The Institute for Ministry Formation does not just provide parish missions. Rather, the IMF can help your parish to go on mission. A traditional parish mission involves several evening conferences by an accomplished speaker. In this time of the New Evangelization, that is generally inadequate for meeting the real needs of parishes.
- How will you invite your entire parish to attend the mission?
- How will you use the mission to evangelize those who do not attend your parish?
- What will happen after the mission to transform your parish in an ongoing way?
- How can you turn your faithful staff and volunteers into missionaries?
In addition to providing a dynamic speaker, the IMF will help you customize a plan that is uniquely suited to your parish demographics.
In addition to parish missions, the IMF provides parish workshops and retreats to form your parish for mission. Click here to learn more.
Read the following endorsements from IMF missionizing efforts:

“I don’t want to gush, but seriously, your time with us packed a powerful punch. I think the best summary I can share is that one parishioner texted me a day or two after you left saying, “I’m going through Fr. Boniface withdrawals!” I think we all feel that sentiment. You left us with so much to think about, pray about, and unpack. There was this deep sense of peace and quiet, and a true readiness for Lent. I’m so glad Fr. Michael had the wisdom to set us up with a whole season of lectio so everything you taught us has a chance to sink in and take root.”
– Theresa Prejean, St. Dominic Parish, Panama City, FL

-“The first night was too good not to come back the second night.”
–“I learned tools to help me. His first night exploded my heart with joy. I have been trying to focus and learn. This will be very helpful.”
–“My reading the scripture has changed, I read the Bible in such a better way, I have new eyes, new ears to be in the scriptures.”
–“Yes. Returned because it taught me how to spend time in prayer and didn’t just tell me to pray”
–“Lectio Divina was really interesting to me. I’ve always been frustrated on how much I forget when reading chapters but learning to read only a few at a time & asking God to show me what it means for me have really helped me understand and have a purer prayer life.”
–“This information has radically changed my prayer life. I am experiencing prayer in a relational way as I never have previously. In the past, my prayer life was much stiffer and less of a dialogue with God.”
“As a busy pastor, it can be a great challenge to bring parishes to new levels of authentic discipleship. Through the zeal, faith, and expertise of (the Institute for ministry formation) Father Boniface and Kristin Molitor, my parishioners have encountered Christ in a new way, experienced healing through the Eucharist, and have activated their gifts for testimony. In addition, their ongoing support has helped us sustain these steps of growth. I couldn’t recommend them more highly!”
-Fr. Scott Pogatchnik
Rector, St. Mary’s Cathedral St. Cloud, MN