Adult Formation

Knowing that the “Prepared Adult” is a critical element of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, the IMF started supporting the Latrobe Atrium’s effort to begin hosting Formation Courses. In 2021, the IMF and St John’s Atrium hosted our first Level 1 course. Ms Celine Mitchell, an internationally recognized Level 1 and 2 Formation Leader (and IMF instructor), listened to God with thirteen of us from the Diocese of Greensburg and shared with us the beautiful theory and presentations for the 3-6 year old child.

Once a month from January through November 2023, we hosted our first Level 2 course. Ms Celine returned to share with us a wealth of knowledge about the 6-9 year old child; along with the scripture passages and liturgical materials that best speak to this age group. In addition to nine participants from the Diocese of Greensburg, we were joined by six sisters in Christ from the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Read a summary here.

These are closed events, but do check in for future courses
with us… or with CGS-USA to find a course close to home. Click here.


Photos from the March 24-25th weekend session where participants pondered the Prayer of the Our Father and the events of the Passion with the “City of Jerusalem” materials.

Participants in CGS courses both receive presentations and have the opportunity to practice giving the presentations. Here the Parable of the Found coin was being presented and a Synthesis of the Advent Prophecies was being practiced.