Divine-Human Friendship – Rome (July 17-27, 2023) (IMTH-752)
Course Number: IMTH-752 Course Title: Divine-Human Friendship Taught by Dr. Helene Paharik Number of Credits: 2 “I have called you friends” (Jn 15:15). This course will
Course Number: IMTH-752 Course Title: Divine-Human Friendship Taught by Dr. Helene Paharik Number of Credits: 2 “I have called you friends” (Jn 15:15). This course will
IMTH 746 – LOVE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT The opening lines of Dei Verbum, the text that has shaped Catholic biblical interpretation for the past
Course Number: IMTH-770-01 Course Title: Pastoral Care of the Sick Taught by Mrs. Helene Paharik Number of Credits: 2 Course Date: Wednesdays 7:20pm to 9:00pm ET
Course Number: IMSD-650-01 Course Title: Sacramental Theology and Ecclesiology for Spiritual Directors Instructor: Dr. Helene Paharik Number of Credits: 2 Course Meeting Time: Tuesdays 6:30pm
Course Number: IMSD-650-01 Course Title: Sacramental Theology and Ecclesiology for Spiritual Directors Taught by Dr. Helene Paharik Number of Credits: 2 Course Date: Wednesdays 6:30pm to
This course explores the nature of the Church from the sacramental, missional, and spiritual perspectives. Students will appropriate the doctrinal heritage of the Roman Catholic Church by developing a particular familiarity with Parts I and II of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The documents of the Second Vatican Council as well as the writings of recent pontiffs will provide a theological framework for fostering communion and mission in the Church through a full and active participation in her sacramental life. Topics include The Trinitarian Origin and Destiny of the Church, The Scriptural Foundation of the Church, Belief in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, The Church as the Sacrament of the Divine Mission, Roles within the Mystical Body of Christ, Living the Sacramental Life, and the Church as Mother and Bride. This course will equip spiritual directors to help their directees grow in the Christian life through believing, celebrating and living the paschal mystery of Christ in the sacraments of the Church. This course will consist of a weekly online interactive lecture by video conference correlated with assigned readings. Students will be expected to make weekly discussion posts and respond to posts in addition to assessment by two exams and a short paper. The course can be taken for credit towards a future degree or audited for personal enrichment.
How does a parish respond to the decreasing engagement in its sacramental and community life? How can a parish form missionary disciples and why would someone want to be a missionary disciple? What lessons from the early church can we apply to become a parish that is a center of missionary discipleship? What are the best practices of effective missionary parishes? These are some of the questions that will be explored in this summer intensive course designed for parish leaders.
This course first presents a theology of the Church in its Marian dimension – Mary being the exemplar of the Church – and the roots of this notion in Scripture and Tradition. The central portion of the course is a study of the mystery, structure, and life of the Church in the documents of Vatican II. The course will focus finally on how the Church as a community of disciples extends the work of Jesus Christ in its mission The relationship of the Church to God’s Kingdom now and in the future will mark this mission’s identity and limitations.
This course first presents a theology of the Church in its Marian dimension – Mary being the exemplar of the Church – and the roots of this notion in Scripture and Tradition. The central portion of the course is a study of the mystery, structure, and life of the Church in the documents of Vatican II. The course will focus finally on how the Church as a community of disciples extends the work of Jesus Christ in its mission The relationship of the Church to God’s Kingdom now and in the future will mark this mission’s identity and limitations.
How does a parish respond to the decreasing engagement in its sacramental and community life? How can a parish form missionary disciples and why would someone want to be a missionary disciple? What lessons from the early church can we apply to become a parish that is a center of missionary discipleship? What are the best practices of effective missionary parishes? These are some of the questions that will be explored in this summer intensive course designed for parish leaders.
If one member suffers in the Body of Christ, all the members suffer with them.(1 Cor 12:26). For this reason, the Church has always cared for the sick, the dying, and the grieving through works of charity and mutual support in addition to her sacramental ministry. All the baptized share in the ministry of mutual charity to support those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit. In this course, students will learn the theological foundation, the pastoral skills, and practical guidance to accompany the sick, dying, and grieving in the parish community. The course will begin with an overview of the Catholic theology of suffering and then explore a mystagogical theology of the Sacraments of Anointing, Communion to the sick and homebound, and Reconciliation revealed in The Pastoral Care of the Sick Rites of Anointing and Viaticum. Catholic moral teaching on end of life will be embedded throughout the lectures. Students will learn the best practices in parish ministries of accompaniment and develop the necessary pastoral skills to enable them to engage effectively in this work of mercy. The course can be taken for credit towards a future degree or audited for personal enrichment.
300 Fraser Purchase Rd
Latrobe, PA 15650