Heavenly objects have been used metaphorically for centuries to describe our Christian Faith, and examinations of the sky are prevalent throughout Scripture. The magi sought the Christ child because they recognized a new star signifying the birth of a great king. They trusted the star to lead and guide them throughout their long journey, and the star did not disappoint.
Mary offers the same light and guidance for us on our Christian journey. When we seek her guidance and trust her, she will always direct us toward her son.
While Jesus is the sun, for Mary, the title Morning Star refers to Venus when it appears in the east just before the sun rises. The order in which the Morning Star appears before the sun is also symbolic because Mary came first before Jesus. The early Christian writer Tertullian observed that Adam came first and then Eve followed after she was formed from his side. So, in God’s poetic redemptive plan to reverse this and its effects, Tertullian said, it should be only right that the new Adam comes from the new Eve. With this same rationale, he continues, it should be a woman who should usher in the man who would bring salvation.
Our Lady, Morning Star, pray for us.